Tuesday, December 16, 2008


USA 2006, 105 min
Directors: Sean Fine, Andrea Nix Fine
Every year more than 20,000 schools in Uganda take part in a national music competition in which children perform the traditional music and dances of their tribes. In 2005 a school from the northern province of Patongo, torn apart by a 20–year civil war, reached the final in Kampala. An estimated two million adults and two hundred thousand children manage to just about survive in camps guarded by soldiers against rebels from the Lord's Resistance Army. This poetic picture follows children traumatised by years of conflict en route to an unexpected musical triumph. Many of them, such as Rose (13), Nancy (14) and Dominic (14), have witnessed the execution of their parents or have even been kidnapped and forced to kill by the rebels. This dramatic story reflects the universal power of music, with the help of which children from the Acholi tribe can escape the pain of war and again discover their own dignity.Its captivating visuals are underscored by a wonderful soundtrack.

War Dance

Monday, December 15, 2008

One Hundredth of a Second

UK 2006
Director: Susan Jacobson
One Hundredth of a Second
is a film about a war photographer facing the ultimate dilemma of her profession. She is forced to ask herself; if a person is in mortal danger, do you continue to do your job by taking a photograph rather than getting involved and helping?

The film is a reminder of the horror behind the images of war that face us in the media every day.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Why Democracy?

Documentaries have an unrivalled power to use human stories to make us think about much broader issues. The 10 films at the centre of Why Democracy? do just that, with filmmakers across the world taking us into the heart of their countries to explore the complex questions of modern democracy.
The Why Democracy? project began two years ago and it’s first broadcast was scheduled for October 8th 2007. It has produced some exceptional, challenging and unconventional stories. The films are unconventional documentaries in two senses. Firstly democracy - an idea - is their primary focus above any specific country or event. Secondly, they are not overtly prescriptive. These are not films by experts, about experts, telling us what “the situation is” in Iraq, or Chile, or South Africa, or Iran. These films hope to illuminate for anyone, in any country, a gnarly idea called democracy. Democracy as it exists today, not as we wish it to be.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December 10_Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day is celebrated annually on 10 December.

The date was chosen to honour the United Nations General Assembly's adoption and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the first global enunciation of human rights. The commemoration was established in 1950, when the General Assembly invited all states and interested organizations to celebrate the day as they saw fit.
More here, here and here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Drepturile Omului - Teorie si Practica

Trainingul aduce atat experienta altor universitati specializate in acest domeniu (UN University for Peace din Costa Rica, European Peace University din Austria) cat si cele mai bune practici ale organismelor ONU, ale universitatilor internationale, societatii civile si ale mediului de afaceri. Trainingul va prezenta Drepturile Omului si prin perspectiva metodei TRANSCEND, metoda pentru transformarea conflictelor prin mijloace pasnice adoptata ca manual de training de Natiunile Unite si care a fost aplicata in mai mult de 50 de tari.

Drepturile Omului - Teorie si Practica
8-9 decembrie 2008, Cluj

Mai multe detalii pe siteul PATRIR

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hand in Hand

In 1997,Hand in Hand Center for Jewish-Arab Education is Israel was founded to build peace between Jews and Arabs in Israel through development of bilingual and multi-cultural schools. Elementary schools were founded in Jerusalem and in the Galilee region of Israel; in 2004 a third school was opened in Wadi Ara. In September 2007, the fourth Hand in Hand school through the parents's group Hagar opened in Beersheva. Under the unique Hand in Hand Education model, each school is co-directed by Arab and Jewish co-Principals; and each classroom is co-taught by Jewish and Arab teachers.

Hand in Hand

Documentary Educational Resources

Documentary Educational Resources web site's primary purpose is to provide information about the documentary films we distribute. Secondarily, the web site provides information about our organization, services and resources on documentary filmmaking.

Media That Matters Film Festival

The Media That Matters Film Festival is a project of Arts Engine.

Some Place Like Home

US 2008
Director: Kelly Anderson
Producer: Families United for Racial & Economic Equality (FUREE)

Some Place Like Home tells the stories of community residents and small businesses that are displaced to make way for high-end retail and luxury condominiums to the area. It depicts the pulling out of Downtown Brooklyn and Fort Greene's legacy of being a once-forgotten neighborhood built from the ground up by generations of low-income and working families from all walks of life. Small business owners that have helped to make the area the 3rd largest retail district in New York City talk about the deferment of their dreams as entrepreneurs. It reveals practices and policies used to support massive real estate projects as the historical, economic and cultural fabric of the area is torn apart. It follows the battle of community residents and small businesses as they fight for some place like home.

Media Rights

MediaRights is a project of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit Arts Engine, Inc., an organization committed to producing, distributing and promoting independent media of consequence.
MediaRights maximizes the impact of social-issue documentaries and shorts. By engaging with the MediaRights community, filmmakers reach audiences, educators and librarians bring films into their classroom, and nonprofits and activists integrate media into their campaigns.

Femei in umbra. Umbre

Program evenimentelor şi al proiecţiilor

• 1 decembrie, 19:30
Proiecţii ale filmelor documentare: Austria: Cartonaşul Roşu; Maroc: Niciodată (Museo Cafe – Muzeul de geologie)

• 2 decembrie, 16:00 – 17:00

Proiecţii ale filmelor documentare: Republica Democrată Congo: Găseşte-i un nume ; Austria: Cartonaşul Roşu (Casa ONU, Bd. Primăverii 48A)

• 3 decembrie, 16:00 – 17:00
Proiecţii ale filmelor documentare: Turcia: Crimele în numele onoarei; Mauritania: Cum demonstrezi un viol (Casa ONU, Bd. Primăverii 48A)

• 4 decembrie, ora 16:00 – 17:00

Proiecţii ale filmelor documentare: Nepal: Evadare la limită; Columbia: Justiţie în zona morţii (Casa ONU, Bd. Primăverii 48A)

• 6 decembrie, 18:00

Proiecţii ale filmelor documentare la Cinema UNION: Maroc: Niciodată; Republica Democrată Congo: Găseşte-i un nume; Turcia: Crimele în numele onoarei; Austria: Cartonaşul Roşu (str. Ion Câmpineanu, nr. 21)

• 6 decembrie, 20:00

Proiecţii ale filmelor documentare la Cinema UNION: Nepal: Evadare la limită; Mauritania: Cum demonstrezi un viol; Columbia: Justiţie în zona morţii; Austria: Cartonaşul Roşu (str. Ion Câmpineanu, nr. 21)

• 7 decembrie, 18:00

Proiecţii ale filmelor documentare la Cinema UNION: Nepal: Evadare la limită; Mauritania: Cum demonstrezi un viol; Columbia: Justiţie în zona morţii; Austria: Cartonaşul Roşu (str. Ion Câmpineanu, nr. 21)

• 7 decembrie, 19 :00
Trupa de teatru A$, piesa Gabriela şi-a extirpat un ovar (Hot Shots City Bar - Strada Cercului nr. 3A)

• 7 decembrie, 20:00

Proiecţii ale filmelor documentare la Cinema UNION: Maroc: Niciodată; Republica Democrată Congo: Găseşte-i un nume; Turcia: Crimele în numele onoarei; Austria: Cartonaşul Roşu (str. Ion Câmpineanu, nr. 21)

• 9 decembrie, 19:30
Proiecţii ale filmelor documentare: Turcia: Crimele în numele onoarei; Nepal: Evadare la limită (Museo Cafe – Muzeul de Geologie)

• 10 decembrie, 19:00
Trupa de teatru A$, piesa Gabriela şi-a extirpat un ovar (Casa ONU, Bd. Primăverii 48A)

• 13 decembrie, 19:00
Teatrul Odeon – piesa Extrem, de William Mastrosimone, Regia: Sorin Militaru, Scenografia: Mihai Păcurar, Muzica: Vlaicu Golcea, Cu: Crina Mureşan, Mihai Smarandache, Antoaneta Zaharia, Nicoleta Lefter

Campania Violenta impotriva femeii