Sunday, December 14, 2008

Why Democracy?

Documentaries have an unrivalled power to use human stories to make us think about much broader issues. The 10 films at the centre of Why Democracy? do just that, with filmmakers across the world taking us into the heart of their countries to explore the complex questions of modern democracy.
The Why Democracy? project began two years ago and it’s first broadcast was scheduled for October 8th 2007. It has produced some exceptional, challenging and unconventional stories. The films are unconventional documentaries in two senses. Firstly democracy - an idea - is their primary focus above any specific country or event. Secondly, they are not overtly prescriptive. These are not films by experts, about experts, telling us what “the situation is” in Iraq, or Chile, or South Africa, or Iran. These films hope to illuminate for anyone, in any country, a gnarly idea called democracy. Democracy as it exists today, not as we wish it to be.

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