Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Bucharest, 21 & 22nd of March 2009, Czech Centre

Call for Applications!

If you need information, training and financial support for coproducing a documentary film, now is the moment to apply to DEVELOPING AND PRODUCING DOCUMENTARIES IN EUROPE. The event will take place in 21-22 March 2009, at the Czech Centre in Bucharest, Romania. This training session is organized by DocuMentor (Romania) and „Documentary in Europe“ (Italy), with the support of MEDIA Programme in association with the One World Romania Festival.

How to get development funds and support for your projects? How important are training initiatives? Which are the most important business markets and events that you must know? Networking and raising production funds. What is a pitching forum? Why do you need trailers? All these will be analyzed and discussed with case studies and first hand witnesses. Tutors: Leena Pasanen - YLE Fact and Culture (Finland), Alexandru Solomon - DocuMentor (Romania), Stefano Tealdi - Documentary in Europe & Stefilm (Italy).

The training session is appealing to all documentary filmmakers and young talents from Central and East Europe and will be held in English. Everybody who is interested in must register in English, till March 14th, 2009, included. All you must send is a one page synopsis and your cv at this address: ancutza_muresan@yahoo.com. The access is free.

For more informations:
Anca Muresan, DocuMentor
Mail: ancutza_muresan@yahoo.com
Tel: 0747 50 10 13

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